Who we are

Founded in 1996, A Rare View, Inc. is a unique 501(c)3 non-profit educational and crime prevention consultancy.  We specialize in developing educational programs that help break the cycle of academic failure and crime among at-risk elementary, middle and high school students and juvenile offenders.

Our holistic approach and belief that strong communities build strong families have committed the organization to four core values that define the basis of our programs:

  1. Education,
  2. Community,
  3. Rehabilitation
  4. Responsibility

At A Rare View, Inc. we believe that children are one of our Nation’s most valuable resources and the best investment in the future of our Nation therefore, our programs and services are customized to meet the individual needs of our clients.


Our History

Mrs. Octavia Brown perceived the opportunity for an educational consulting corporation in memory of her sister-in-law the late Annie Pearl Brown.  Annie Pearl was an educator and friend to the children she served while employed as a teacher within the Dekalb County Georgia School System.

In keeping with the goal of Annie Pearl to educate children, Octavia and a group of volunteers began tutoring children in the Fairburn, Georgia area.  As a result, Octavia was nominated to serve on Governor Zell Miller’s Georgia 2000 Next Generation School Project.  The mission of this project was to design, test and nationally replicate a quality educational community that educates students to achieve world-class outcomes and compete successfully in a global economy.  Along with 300 business, civic, government and educational leaders from across Georgia, Octavia took her place as an innovator for educational enhancement.

In 1997, Octavia and the volunteers seized another unique opportunity.  As parents and friends of prisoners and ex-ofenders, they redirected their focus on crime prevention.  Conducting a survey of over 400 ex-offenders, individuals attending court, inmates’ and offenders’ family members helped the group determine  that the lack of employment was the leading factor in their criminal activity.

In 1998, A Rare View was incorporated in the State of Georgia as an educational consulting organization specializing in addressing the needs of juvenile or adult ex-offenders and their families.  The organization received its 501(c)3 status from the Internal Revenue Service and its State Exemption from the Georgia Department of Revenue in 1999.

Between 1999 and 2002, A Rare View, Inc. participated in the Georgia Partnership For Excellence In Education Annual Bus Trip Across Georgia.

Between 1999 and 2013, A Rare View, Inc. serviced over 800 clients in the areas of employment, housing, mentoring, academic support and other supportive services.